Everyday we resist the world turning into a Mordor in which the only value is money, at the expense of everything else, measured only in economical growth.

— Live trees? Don't count!

— Dead trees? $$$$$$

— Healthy lungs? Don't exist! There's no product or need to healthy lungs.

— Black lungs? $$$$$$ Come to hospital! We've got products and services for you.

— There's no money to be made with liveability.

— Smiling people? Worthless!

— Addicted sad needy people? $$$$$$$ The botox in their faces? $$$$$$

— Godly Mountains?

— Make them forever mine pits where the sun doesn't shine! Make them a bunch of quickly-spent dollars!

— Inflate the pie that is economy!

And nobody seems to care anymore how that big pie tastes, as long as it gets bigger.

— Sad and bored of this system?

— Maybe you need more spending power, yet again, more products, more needs!

So societies restlessly waste their old materials. Buildings and graves are razed and made into filthy waste dumps.

And then societies lazily and cheaply grab new natural resources from the earth. Import them. And poor countries feverishly sell out their nature and liveability. Welcome to the big sellout age.

Although it is not in our nature to waste or disrespect, the current regimes order us to. Humankind becomes a gluttonous worm consuming the wood it lives from. Destroying the earth. While this is not at all needed for our survival. Some idiots at the top of the abusive gluttonous game will tell us we can fly to a next piece of wood..

The architects of it all, are the owners of big pieces of pie. They just want to see their share to the tasteless pie grow. They're the high priests of a bloody strange stinking religion (Money-ism?) that has captured international society and incites us to be consumption-hungry divided gluttonous sheepish weak spoiled entitled mean bullyish comparing individuals.

Humans are awesome, but this religion is not. The greed of the powerful is ugly. And it steers the world right into the abyss. It is outraging what we give up daily, and what is robbed from us hourly, just so one bloke can display a bigger undriveable amount of showoff cars and yachts.

Economic growth once meant progress. Now it means turning life into death. Future into coins. Care into cruelty. Collective qualities into private quantities. Culture into expensive packages. Homes into containers. Security into gambles.

Health, cultures, liveable pleasant environments.. It's all under siege.

Nature is degraded. But it's not "Oh pathetic weak nature. It needs a pamper.."

It does whatever whenever with all the patience in the world. That's nature.

It's poor us, spoiling paradise and burning home. We're destroying this humanfriendly version of nature, while some freaks promote grim gray futures on dusty planets.


Cleopatra was closer to now than she was to the building of the pyramids of Gizeh, 2.000 years prior. Times are changing fast.

Will humanity still last another two thousand years just like that?


We fixed this. The Ozon Layer. Stopped destroying it. Crisis averted. Bam! What we can do when no short-term selfish interests are in the way.. Crazy!

We didn't bet our entire future on some remissly coined speculative unscientific symptom control. No. By international cooperation we phased out the source of our problem.

What's on the horizon?

The Western dream!

So there we are. So proud of our newbuilt fake farm, in the new cul de sac development: a desolate scorching grayness that is besprinkled with countless cars. And our grant marvel is the coffee machine we bought in olive wood version. And our wildest dream is having more furniture in olive wood.

The current regime breeds (and breeds on) loneliness, sourness and narrow-mindedness. These sad places are perfect for that.

And who are the heroes this regime gives us?

Coming from a place that clogs your mind like a public toilet, I know all the billionaires. I know every luxury brand..

But I have no clue when you ask me about Rachel Carson, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Mbaye Diagne, Wangari Maathai, Binalakshmi Nepram, Sunitha Krishnan, Nicholas Winton, Harriet Tubman and Robert Bilott.

We don't need to increase the average spending power! We don't need yet another product to complement our shopping mall life! We need the world back!